There's Not Enough Time!
My days are getting filled faster than I can believe. There's barely enough time for me to sit down to talk to my husband, much less do online surveys for cash. This $3000/month goal might be a LOT harder to come by than I thought. If I do manage, then I'll be sure to share it with you, because at the moment, I think I could squeeze in a 7-hour work week. At $3000 per month for a total of 28 hours of work, I think ANYONE would want in on the secret :).
So I'll keep trying to post, but at the moment, I'm barely floating above the daily routine of feeding, cleaning, changing, etc. the two little people in my life! I also want to enjoy every moment of it, and maybe this blog will turn into something entirely different; maybe it'll eventually be re-named, "A Stay-at-Home Mom's Journey to Enjoying Her Kids (while trying to Earn a Living)"!! Haha...
At the moment, I'm trying to create a routine or schedule for our days at home. Turns out it's difficult to find an easy-to-use/ready-to-use routine. So I'll write about mine as soon as I make one.
I have no regrets at all about not earning any cash at the moment. For example, my day today with Little Dude (2-year-old) and Muppet (7-month-old) went like this:
9am- Feed Muppet milk
9:30am - Little Dude wakes up (a real rarity - usually he's awake by 6:30am!), breakfast for both kids (oatmeal, fruit, milk for Little Dude; peas & oatmeal for the Muppet)
10am - Muppet naps; Little Dude & I draw with chalk on the sidewalk, then we move to the backyard patio
11am - Muppet wakes up - I put her in an exersaucer that we JUST borrowed from a friend on the patio; Dude & I & his grandpa garden - we took out the moss from the patio cracks, pick up all the fallen apples, pull out some weeds, stake my zucchini & pea plants - AND I managed to have a cup of coffee too!
Noon - Muppet goes back down for a nap (she's been having problems lately); Little Dude goes for a swim in our little inflatable pool.
1pm - Lunch - Little Dude & I have a nice date - lunching on quinoa salad, kale chips, homemade Bao Zi from our neighbour, and slices of cheese.
2pm - Little Dude naps, and Muppet wakes up - I play with her for a bit, and then she is content to sit in her exersaucer (thank goodness it's portable!). I work on my freelance writing projects. Eventually she goes down for a nap!
5pm - Little Dude wakes up as cheerful as a bug. But so does Muppet. They played together - they're doing so well together!! They managed to entertain each other while I figured out what I need to make for lunch for Mommy Group tomorrow.
5:30pm - Daddy comes home, Little Dude & I run to the grocery store.
6:30pm - Supper time
7:30pm - Baths for both kiddies by Daddy (thank goodness); I make fruit salsa for Mommy Group, with Little Dude helping me after his bath (he actually cut raspberries with his little kid knife!).
8:30pm - Both babies in bed, and I can finally blog/try to make a daily routine schedule (which is now on hiatus because I'm blogging...) :)
It's now 10pm and I'm wiped out. Time for bed. We'll try for a routine again tomorrow. Oh wait, there's mommy group. By the time that's done, it'll be naps for EVERYONE. Going out is exhausting, but totally worth the fun! If I'm blogging again tomorrow, well, that probably means I'm putting off the schedule once again.